A HISTORIC moment in the constituency of Monmouthshire was marked on Wednesday afternoon. 

Catherine Fookes, the newly elected Welsh Labour Member of Parliament for Monmouthshire, delivered her highly anticipated maiden speech in the House of Commons on Wednesday afternoon, marking a historic moment for the constituency. 

Fookes, the first Welsh Labour MP elected by the Monmouthshire Constituency and the first woman to hold the position, used her speech to pay tribute to her predecessors, highlighting the contribution of David TC Davies and Jessica Morden MP, who represented the south of the county before the boundary change.

Fookes proudly highlighted Monmouthshire’s strengths, including its vibrant farming community, tourist attractions, and rich heritage. 

She said, "We are also proud of our agricultural traditions, with some 80% of our land dedicated to farming, much of it carried out on small family farms.

"As a smallholder and a farmer's daughter I know personally the joys but also the challenges of rural life, and the vital role of food production, as well as environmental stewardship, played by our skilled farming families." 

Economic growth, tackling inequality, and addressing poverty were identified as Catherine Fookes’ first priorities.

She also pledged to continue her advocacy for women's equality and committed to working with local charities like Cyfannol and supporting groups focusing on issues such as addiction and violence against women and girls (VAWG). 

Furthermore, Fookes emphasized her dedication to environmental stewardship and the restoration of the rivers Wye and Usk.

She reiterated her commitment to working across borders and party lines to ensure their full health. 

She said, "As a keen environmentalist, I will also be doing everything I can to ensure we champion our environment and our rivers. We have both the Wye and the Usk running through our beautiful county.

The people of Monmouthshire have made it clear to me that they expect me to work cross-border and cross-party with all the regulators and campaigners to bring our rivers back to full health."

You can watch the full speech made in the House of Commons on Wednesday July 24 here. 

Fookes' maiden speech marked the beginning of a new chapter for Monmouthshire as she outlined her vision for serving the constituency and addressing key issues at the national level.