The Newport Medieval Ship's annual summer fair is set to take place this weekend.

On Saturday, July 27, from 10am to 4pm the Newport Ship visitor centre will host a range of activities for all ages and is free of charge.

Attendees can participate in craft workshops, enjoy musical performances, and learn about the ship, which is considered 'the world's largest 3D jigsaw puzzle.'

The fair's schedule includes performances by Bois y Bryn Sea Shanty Choir, Katie Bachelor, Cobblers Awl Clog Dancing and Canu Casnewydd Choir.

There will be traditional craft workshops such as willow weaving, woodworking, and ropemaking, along with demonstrations of medieval trades including blacksmith, fletcher, and leatherworker.

The Nautical Archaeology Society will demonstrate the underwater robots used in their work.

Councillor Emma Stowell-Corten, Newport City Council cabinet member for culture and communications, said: "I’m really looking forward to celebrating one of Newport’s amazing historical treasures at this year’s Summer Fayre.

"Last year’s event saw around 1,600 people join us to explore medieval life, and we’re hoping for an even bigger turnout on Saturday."

For those unable to attend the event, the ship centre will be open for regular visits.

Situated on Queensway Meadows Industrial Estate, the centre is open on Fridays and Saturdays from 10am to 4pm until November 2.