THESE Gwent areas have highest number of deaths related to opiate drug-poisoning according to recent data, asking the question of whether a drug -overdose combatting medicine with a high success rate should be readily-available in places where drug usage can be higher?

Naloxone, a medicine that rapidly reverses an opioid overdose, is being carried by more people than ever before, yet deaths related to drug poisoning have increased in every single local authority in Gwent from 2021 figures to 2022. 

Rick Lines, head of the Substance Misuse Programme for Public Health Wales, said: "The number of deaths from drug-related causes remains unacceptably high in Wales.

The UK government is reviewing the administering, selling and supplying of Naloxone The UK government is reviewing the administering, selling and supplying of Naloxone (Image: Public Health Wales)

"These deaths are tragic and preventable and take a toll on families and communities across the country."

As of May 14, 2024, the government launched guidance to expand access to take-home Naloxone supplies.

The Office for National Statistics reported that there were 4,907 deaths related to drug poisoning registered in England and Wales in 2022; this is the highest number since records began in 1993 and 1.0 per cent higher than in 2021 (4,859 registered deaths).

In Wales, the ONS found that the rate of drug-poisoning deaths fell to 109.6 deaths per million, from 111.8 deaths per million in 2021.

Newport and Caerphilly are noted for having the highest incidences of deaths related to drug poisoning by local authority in Gwent in 2022. Newport had 23 deaths in 2022 related to drug poisoning, while in Caerphilly there were 32 deaths in 2022.

The ONS also said, "Opiates were involved in just under half (46.1 per cent) of drug-poisoning deaths registered in 2022, increasing to 61.7 per cent when we exclude deaths that had no drug type recorded on the death certificate.

"Heroin and morphine (often indistinguishable in toxicology testing) continued to be the most frequently mentioned opiates with 1,256 drug-poisoning deaths mentioning either one of these substances in 2022 (21.8 deaths per million people)."

Mr Lines, 59, added: "It is however encouraging to see that more opioid drug deaths are being prevented by the use of Naloxone and that this vital life-saving medication is being carried by more people in Wales than ever before."

When asked about how many lives Naloxone has saved, Mr Lines said: "In one year, Naloxone was used in just over 300 overdose events. And in all but two of those events, the person's life was saved from the administration of the Naloxone.

Mr Lines (pictured) said: It is however encouraging to see that more opioid drug deaths are being prevented by the use of Naloxone and that this vital life-saving medication is being carried by more people in Wales than ever before.Mr Lines (pictured) said: It is however encouraging to see that more opioid drug deaths are being prevented by the use of Naloxone and that this vital life-saving medication is being carried by more people in Wales than ever before. (Image: Public Health Wales)

"So we still had two people who died tragically, but still you can see the vast majority of those overdoses were reversed by the administration of the Naloxone."

This is more than a 90 per cent success rate, so should it be made available in places where drug usage is higher, such as in pubs, bars, clubs and festivals?

On the other hand, is making Naloxone kits readily-available causing an increase in drug-related deaths as more people are risking their lives, knowing that a drug is on hand to help? 

Opioid-related deaths

Figures by Public Health Wales show that opioids contributed to more deaths in Wales (2022-23) than any other substance. There were 125 opioid deaths, 64 involving heroin or morphine and the remaining 61 deaths involved at least one other opioid such as methadone, codeine or tramadol.

The number of deaths in which cocaine was a contributing factor rose again for another year running. In 2022, the presence of cocaine was recorded in 52 deaths, representing 26 per cent of all drug misuse deaths, the third highest after opioids and Benzodiazepines (30 per cent of drug deaths).

Cocaine has consistently been the second most-used drug, after cannabis, in England and Wales over the past decade.

Public Health Wales has said that there has been an increase in "reported cocaine related hospitalisations and more individuals presenting for treatment within substance misuse services".

Drug misuse deaths were over 5 times higher amongst those living in the 20 per cent most deprived areas, said a spokesperson for Public Health Wales, compared with the 20 per cent least deprived areas in Wales. 

How to administer the life-saving drug

More people than ever are carrying the life-saving drug that can reverse the effects of opioid poisoning, Naloxone, with over 6,000 take-home naloxone kits provided in 2022 - 2023.

Naloxone is an injection, while Nyxoid comes as a nasal spray which can be sprayed into a person's nostril.

Training can be given in as little as 10 minutes, to prevent and manage opioid overdoses.

According to nationwide charity, Change Grow Live, here are the steps to take if someone is having an overdose, calmly:

  • Make sure that you’re not in any danger first. Keeping yourself safe is important. 

  • Call 999 and ask for an ambulance. 

  • Check to see if there is anything obstructing their airways. 

  • Place the person in the recovery position. You can find out how to do this here. 

  • If you have Prenoxad, inject it into their thigh or upper arm muscle. 

  • If you have Nyxoid, place the spray in their nose and press the plunger. 

  • Wait with the person until the ambulance arrives, and give the used naloxone kit to the paramedics. 

When using naloxone, it should start to work in 2-5 minutes.

The effects will last for between 20-40 minutes, but after that, they will wear off and the person will begin overdosing again.

It’s important that the person still gets medical help during this time. 

Naloxone is only effective for opioid overdoses, won’t work with any other non-opioid drugs, and can be ordered for free in Wales by calling Dan 24/7 or by visiting their website. 

It should not be used as a safety net, to take extra risks.