Dog walking group based at Tredegar House feel they are being ‘alienated’ with the introduction of new dogs-on-the-lead rule.

They believe Tredegar House has bigger problems to deal with before tackling any dog related issues.

A dog walker called Sharon from the group, who walk around Tredegar House every morning between 7am-8.30am, said: “I understand not all people like dogs, but by introducing these rules, Tredegar house is alienating its biggest users.

“Why in earth would they make the off-lead area the big open area where children play, or people have picnics?

“If we follow that rule then there is only one area where we can have our dogs off the lead. Most of our dogs have never even been on the lead at the house! To tell us at 7am when the house is ‘closed’ to put our dogs on leads is just silly.

“Why not just ask for dogs on leads in the courtyard? Or inside the cafe? That would be more understandable. I am sure people should happily do this when the house is open.”

The National Trust put restrictions in place at the beginning of July to stop dog walkers from having their dogs off lead in all areas other than the large 20- acre field in the middle of the grounds pictured below.

(Image: Google Earth)

This means dogs can no longer be off the lead in the forest areas or swim in the lake.

Tredegar house urge dog walkers that this decision is in the best interests of all visitors to their National Trust property and are supporting dog walkers in ways such as providing leads for hire free of charge.

A spokesperson for Tredegar House said: “It is of the utmost importance that we ensure that Tredegar House is a place where everyone is made to feel welcome and leaves this special place having had an enjoyable and safe visit.

“With this in mind, we decided to update our dog policy to request that dogs be kept on a short lead until reaching the specific off-lead area in the parkland where visitors can continue to enjoy the fantastic 20-acre open space that we have to offer.

“We are supporting this change with informative signage and leaflets available across the site and by offering short-leads for hire free-of-charge, as well as providing dog-waste bags for use and updating our dog waste bins.”

Though the walking group believe Tredegar House has bigger problems to deal with before tackling any dog related issues, labelling it as a ‘neglected National Trust Property’.

Sharon said: “We understand that during the day the house and courtyard around café can be very busy with visitors.

“A lot of these visitors don't use the grounds as right now it's not visitor friendly and hasn't been for months.

“The bridge that used to allow people to walk around lake is closed and it has been for months. We have had all summer with no bridge!”

Tredegar House is open inside for visitors between 11am and 4:30pm but the carpark is open between 9am-5pm so visitors can enjoy the grounds throughout the entire day.