A family from Pontypool who featured in the newspaper in 2005 to celebrate five generations has welcomed a new baby into the world. 

The new-born's mother, Courtney Richardson, 19, was the baby in the 2005 photograph. 

Courtney gave birth to her son, Hudson-Lee Greaney, who is less than a month old, on July 3, earlier this month.

The first photograph was taken back in 2005 but this year, 19 years on, the youngest in the original photograph has had her own baby.  

The mother is based in Pontypool, but his grandmother lives nearby in Cwmbran - close enough to regularly see them. 

The new photograph was taken at a celebration of Hudson-Lee's birth and has five generations of the family. 

The young mother is photographed holding her new-born son with the other members of the family.

In the photograph Courtney is holding her son and sat next to her is her great grandmother, Linda Watkins. 

Behind them is Courtney’s mum, Danielle Richardson, 35, and her grandfather Darren Batchelor, 54.  

In 2005, 19-years-ago, Courtney was the new-born baby herself and she can be seen in the arms of her great-grandfather Edwin Watkins, who was in his 70s, next to her mother Danielle.  

Behind them are Courtney's grandfather Darren Batchelor (on the left), and her great-grandmother Linda Watkins (on the right).

The article in 2005 celebrated the five generations of the family from Torfaen while Courtney’s great-grandfather was sadly dying from cancer. 

“We did it because he was passing away with cancer at the time,” said Courtney’s mother. 

Courtney’s great-grandfather passed away not long after the photograph was featured in the newspaper.  

Her mother, Danielle Richardson, 35, of Cwmbran said: “Five generations in a family was quite unknown at the time. My grandfather was quite excited for us to be in the paper.” 

“My daughter Courtney is doing well, but it is strange being a grandparent at 35-years-old.” 

“It is quite nice to have got another generation in the family again – we are quite lucky.”