A WOMAN assaulted two young autistic men walking in a town centre in acts of alcohol-fuelled violence condemned as “unprovoked and loutish”.

Mother-of-four Rebecca Thomas, 38, attacked her victims near the bandstand opposite Caerphilly Castle during the middle of the day.

Rob Simkins, prosecuting, told Newport magistrates: “The complainants are two autistic men who are vulnerable.

“It was unprovoked and pretty loutish behaviour you might think.

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“It was the kind of drunken yobbish behaviour that blights town centres in this country.”

The incident which took place on Wednesday, May 1 was captured on CCTV and the footage was played to the court.

“The defendant grabbed the first victim by his hair, he has long hair,” Mr Simkins explained. “She is described as being drunk.

“She was screaming in his face and she hit him to the face causing his glasses to fall on the floor – they were damaged.”

The prosecutor added: “The defendant then swung a punch at the other man which hit him in the lip and he stumbled.

“He hit her back in self-defence.

“It was at this point that a security guard and staff from WH Smith take the victims into the shop to protect them from the defendant.”

The police were called and Thomas was arrested.

The defendant, of no fixed abode, pleaded guilty to two counts of assault by beating and one of criminal damage.

Patrick Meadows representing her said: “She is embarrassed and remorseful for her actions.

“The defendant has serious problems with alcohol.

“At one point she was drinking two bottles of whisky a day.”

Thomas has been working with the Gwent Drug and Alcohol Service to rid herself of her addiction.

Her lawyer added that the fact she has just one previous conviction for unrelated matters showed this was “out of character” for her.

The court heard that Thomas was homeless and had never had a job.

Presiding justice Alan Gwyn told her: “The people subjected to your violence were vulnerable individuals.”

Thomas was sentenced to a 12-month community order.

She must complete a 20-day rehabilitation activity requirement and pay £150 compensation to the victim whose glasses were damaged.