A family fun day was recently hosted at a Monmouthshire castle for young carers.

Caldicot Castle was filled with laughter and joy on Tuesday, July 30, as Monmouthshire's Young Carers Forum hosted their annual family fun day.

The event, organised by the forum and supported by Monmouthshire County Council's Young Carers team, was a much-needed break, offering a range of fun activities for young carers and their families.

It also served as a platform for families to speak with officers about the support available to them.

The Monmouthshire Young Carers team is dedicated to ensuring no young carer feels alone, providing guidance and support, and creating social activity opportunities for all young carers in the county.

They assist those under 18 with life skills including cooking, ironing, sewing, sports, and well-being sessions.

Cllr Ian Chandler, Monmouthshire County Council's cabinet member for social care, safeguarding and accessible health services, emphasised the importance of the event.

He said: "Providing support to our young carers in our community is crucial. They provide fantastic support to their loved ones every day.

"The Family Fun Day organised by the forum allowed us to thank them for all they do while providing them and their families an opportunity to relax and socialise with others across the county."

For more information on the services the Young Carers team provides, visit their website or email youngcarers@monmouthshire.gov.uk