A PAEDOPHILE said to a 15-year-old schoolgirl that he was going to have sex with her and told her to meet him near a Morrisons supermarket.

Osman Mohamed lied to his victim he was the same age as her before sexually assaulting her by touching her bottom after he had been drinking.

The 36-year-old defendant went up to the girl, a stranger, in the Bargoed area of Caerphilly after he had taken a train there from Cardiff.

Christopher Evans, prosecuting, said the victim no longer feels safe in the area where she lives.

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Mohamed was found guilty by a jury following a trial of inciting a girl to engage in sexual activity and sexual assault.

He had denied the offences which took place on the summer bank holiday of 2021 on Monday, August 30.

Mohamed, of Taff Embankment, Grangetown, Cardiff had a previous conviction for drink driving.

Harry Baker representing the defendant asked for the inevitable prison sentence “to be kept as short as possible”.

Sentencing Mohamed at Cardiff Crown Court, the judge, Recorder Caroline Rees KC told him: “You drank alcohol and the victim assessed you to be drunk.

“You approached the victim who was just 15 who was with her friend and you hugged her.

“You touched her to the area of her bottom over her clothing.

“She told you she was only 15, you said you were 15, although she very quickly assessed that you were talking rubbish and that you were obviously older.

“The police were called a short time later and you were detained in Bargoed.”

Recorder Rees added: “You continue to deny your responsibility for the offences and that remains your position today.

“It follows that you demonstrate no insight or remorse for the behaviour of which the jury were sure you were guilty of.”

Mohamed, who followed proceedings with the help of an Arabic translator, was jailed for 15 months.

He will serve half of that time in custody and any time spent in custody will count towards his sentence.

The defendant will have to register as a sex offender for the next 10 years although he was told he faces the prospect of being deported from the UK.