Business owners in Newport are expressing major concern over the safety of themselves and their customers because of ‘the gang who spend their days drinking and doing drugs’ at the Market Bus Station.

“This gang is known as the Upper Dock Street zombies. They are rude and abusive, constantly shouting,” said the salon owner Laura Knapman, 31, of Hair at No.5.

“They are relentless, it is terrible. They are blasting music from speakers, weeing in the streets and throwing pint glasses at each other.

“It is only getting worse, and the police just don’t care. It is not even worth reporting anymore.

“It is affecting us as a business due to the fact we just do not have any foot trade. No one wants to walk up this street or come to this end of town because of them.

“It also makes me worried for our elderly customers who walk along there to catch the bus.

“Especially after my partner heard one of the women say she had a blade on her, so they could be carrying knives.”

Imran Abbas, 42, owns the Premier on Upper Dock Street and faces the same problems as other business owners in the area.

He said: “From 5am or 6am every day they are causing me issues. They sit there all-day taking drugs and drinking – they even come into my shop and steal.”

“They beg outside for money and even come inside the shop and beg my customers for money. It is putting people off.”

Annette Farmer owns a jewellery business on the high street and works there with her son and daughter. The family are concerned about ‘what Newport is turning into’ after operating here for 38 years.

“Everyday there is something and it is the same people, around 30 of them all together,” she said.

“I am speaking on behalf of everyone when I say something needs to change. We need a stronger police presence in the area to get them to stay away.

Annette and her son Blake have spoken about relocating to quieter, more prosperous areas 'such as Risca or Cwmbran'. (Image: NQ)

“I am passionate about Newport, I have lived here all my life and to see it being destroyed by these junkies is making me consider relocating my business elsewhere, as much as it would pain me.

“It’s just that us nor our customers can walk around the corner without getting hassled, or bump into someone begging us for money."

Keith Harris, owner of the Optic Shop on the same high street has had food thrown at him, his windows smashed by ‘the same group of people who hang around that bus stop.’

“I am scared to send my staff out there to close the shutters some days when they are all out there.

“You just do not know what they are going to do next. The one day I found myself cleaning McDonald’s they smeared across my shop window.”

All businesses included in this article have said they walk their elderly customers to the bus stop out of fear they will be hurt or caught in the ‘riff raff.’

PC Michael Hiscox, Crime and Disorder Reduction Officer for Newport Central said: "We’re aware of reports of anti-social behaviour in Upper Dock Street, Newport, and in particular the bus station over the last few weeks.

“Anti-social behaviour, and any offences associated to it, is completely unacceptable and we understand the distress it causes residents and business owners.

“Along with working with our partners, members of the neighbourhood policing team have increased the number of patrols in the area, carried out numerous arrests, confiscated alcohol and issued on the spot civil fines under the Public Space Protection Order (PSPO).

"We remain committed to doing what we can, together with our partners and members of the community, to make Newport a safe place to live and work.

“When it comes to anti-social behaviour, we’re guided not only by information gathered though investigations and patrols, but by information the public has provided through their reports.

“I encourage residents and businesses to keep reporting incidents of anti-social behaviour to us, but more than this, I urge those reporting to engage with us - provide statements, submit CCTV - to support us take action against those causing misery to our community.

“Our message is clear, such behaviour will not be tolerated.”

If you see something you think is not right, or want to report a non-urgent crime, you can reach Gwent Police on 101, or DM them via their social media accounts.