A SERIAL shoplifter has been jailed after he stole alcohol from the store that he's banned from.

Christopher Wainfur, 38, is barred from Tesco Express on Caerleon Road in Newport after a criminal behaviour order was imposed last month.

But the defendant soon defied the ban after he walked into the shop on July 27 and stole food and alcohol worth £39.90.

Wainfur, of no fixed abode, Newport pleaded guilty to theft and being in breach of a criminal behaviour order.

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He “has a flagrant disregard for court orders”, Newport Magistrates' Court was told.

District Judge Sophie Toms jailed Wainfur for 12 weeks, made up of six weeks for the theft and a consecutive six-week term for being in breach of the order.

The defendant was ordered to pay £85 costs following his release from prison.

No order for compensation was made because there was “no loss or damage”.