GWENT Police have caught a man "transferring" £1 million of criminal money that was “destined for Iran”.

Serwan Mahmoud, 43, is facing a lengthy jail sentence after he was arrested by the force with the huge amount of cash.

The precise details of the case were not revealed after the defendant, of Cardiff Prison, pleaded guilty to possession of criminal property during a hearing at the capital city’s crown court.

It was revealed that he was "transferring" the money.

MORE NEWS: ‘Untouchable’ drug dealer caught with large amount of cocaine and cash

Prosecutor Clare Wilkes added: "For it to be sent, as we understand it, back to Iran,"

The Recorder of Cardiff, Judge Tracey Lloyd-Clarke, told Mahmoud: “You’ve already been advised that this is a sentence that will attract an immediate custodial sentence.

“You will be remanded in custody to September 16.

“Thank you very much, I'll reserve the sentence to myself.”