A man found a ferret near the Asda in Brynmawr last Saturday and it is feared there could be more on the loose. 

Adrian Shaw, who found the ferret near the supermarket luckily had previously owned ferrets for over seven years.

"I had seen it running across near a main road - it was going to get killed. I pulled the van up and it went underneath my van. 

The ferret found by AdrianThe ferret found by Adrian (Image: Adrian Shaw)

"I had her in a carboard box, but it wasn't long before she got out so I used a bit of metal cage - I did give her a bit of my cheese and bean pasty."

He is not the only one who made the surprising discovery - The Homestead Café Brynmawr posted on Facebook that they found a ferret on Market Square on the same day.

Shannon Williams, of Brynmawr, said her brother, jumped the garden fence at their mother's house in Brynmawr, to catch different ferret - on the same day.

“It was quite bizarre; everyone was like what do we do. There were around 26 people in the house for a party. 

“The ferret and my brother were fine, it didn’t put up a fight - they are like puppies you can pick them up.” 

We secured the ferret - when they checked in on him, he was ‘curled up in a ball’, she said.

However, Saz Griffiths advises people to wear gloves or cover their hands in some way, as they can bite. 


Ms. Williams posted on Facebook to try and find the owners and Saz Griffiths saw it and came and collected it. 

In fact, there is a Facebook page dedicated to lost and found Ferrets in South Wales, Ferrets Lost & Found. South Wales. 

It is run by Saz Griffiths who is in contact with a neighbour who saw the ferrets escape and thinks the owner of the ferrets no longer resides at the property.

In total, she is aware of ten ferrets that have been found, and is currently taking care of seven of them. 

She keeps an eye out for posts or sightings of loose ferrets and goes and rescues them to keep until an owner is found. 

The ferrets Saz is looking afterThe ferrets Saz is looking after (Image: Saz Griffiths)

What should you do if you find one?

Ms. Griffiths’ advice is to cover your hands, as although they seem friendly, they can bite.  

"The have already been out for several days. They are going to be extremely hungry," she added.

Then if you have a bin or large container at hand like a recycling bin you can try and catch it with that.  

She has offered for people to message her if they find any more on Facebook – she is unsure how many more could be loose.  

On the, The Little Paws Ferret Rescue it gives the follow advice: "DO NOT put the found ferret with your own ferrets or around your other pets until you are sure it is free from parasites or illnesses. Take the ferret to a vet, to check for a microchip and ask for help and advice."