Plans proposed to build between 600 and 2000 homes in Beachley on the old Barracks site.

Forest of Dean District Council leaders have approved a draft local plan outlining where 6,600 new homes will be built by 2041.

The plan focuses on Lydney, Beachley, and Newent, with 1,300 homes planned for Lydney, 600 at Beachley Barracks, and 600 at a new site southeast of Newent.

Concerns raised by residents in Chepstow include the effect this proposed housing development could have on traffic in the area.

It is a general consensus that though the houses could be essential, ‘the road infrastructure is too far behind’ to cope with the levels of traffic it could bring.

“The roads can’t cope with the amount of traffic as it is,” said local man Phillip Moseley.

Suggestions on a public Facebook page included implementing the previously proposed slip road, over the bridge.

This development is part of the Forest of Dean District Council’s strategy called ‘Our Local Plan.’

The plan is a statutory document which sets out housing allocations and developments within the Forest district until 2041.

Planning cabinet member Sid Phelps said it was imperative to move forward with the plan as the authority does not currently have a five year supply of housing and the council is at risk of losing control over where new homes could be built.

A planning meeting, where residents could share their views happened last week, July 31.

Many locals were keen for more houses in the area, with the hopes that this could mean their children and grandchildren might have a chance to stay in the area where they have grown up, instead of getting pushed out due to house prices.

Many also hope for these new builds to bring more amenities to the area.

The 600 houses are set to be built on the Beachley Barracks site, where the Army Apprentice College stood between 1924 and 1994.

Today the site is home to soldiers from the 1st Battalion, The Rifles, who are due to return home from a two-year deployment in Cyprus next year.

Whilst they are away, the barracks are occupied by families from Afghanistan who have helped the UK Government, as part of the Ministry of Defence relocation scheme.

The Ministry of Defence said the battalion will leave the barracks in 2029, when the thousands of homes are set to take over the site.

However, this timeframe could change depending on council plans and local feedback.

To keep up to date with the changes, you can check on the Forest of Dean Council website.