The chaos surrounding the Labour party in Wales won’t be fixed by the “coronation” of Eluned Morgan, Plaid Cymru has said.

The Senedd (Welsh Parliament) will be recalled today, Tuesday, August, 6, at 11am to nominate a new First Minister.

Eluned Morgan became the leader of Welsh Labour last month after Vaughan Gething was forced to resign after just 118 days in the job when three ministers and the counsel general all quit at the same time.

Mr Gething and the Labour Government had faced months of controversy over dodgy campaign donations, a lost vote of no confidence, and questions around the sacking of a government minister following leaked government messages.

Plaid Cymru Leader Rhun ap Iorwerth said that “after a quarter of a century in power” in Wales, the Labour party were “tired and directionless” and that the party’s record was “unacceptable”.

Mr ap Iorwerth said people were looking to Plaid Cymru for a “new, positive kind of leadership” - one focused on the needs of people not party interests.

Speaking ahead of the vote to nominate a new First Minister, Plaid Cymru Leader, Rhun ap Iorwerth MS, said:

“The Senedd is being recalled today because of Labour chaos. And let’s be clear. The chaos under Vaughan Gething won't be fixed by the coronation of Eluned Morgan - Welsh Labour's challenges are much more fundamental. 

“After a quarter of a century in power, Labour are tired and directionless. They have no vision or ambition for Wales. Their record on the economy, education and our NHS is unacceptable.

“The people of Wales are clearly sensing change, losing faith in Labour's ability to lead and looking to Plaid Cymru for a new, positive kind of leadership – one that is focused the needs of the people, not of narrow party interests."