HAVE YOU got a keyless vehicle?

Gwent Police have issued advice for these motorists to avoid any kind of break ins from potential thieves. 

Keyless vehicles unlock automatically when the key comes within a short distance; even if the key is in your pocket or bag.

Thieves only need to be within a few metres of your vehicle key to capture the signal, even if it’s inside your home.

Here’s how to protect your keyless vehicle:

  • keep the key and spare away from the car and front door
  • keep the keys in a screen or signal-blocking pouch, like a Faraday bag, and check that the bag / pouch is still working every few months
  • always get your keys reprogrammed if you’re buying a second hand vehicle
  • turn off wireless signals on your key fob when it’s not being used – you can find out how to do this in your vehicle manual.
  • If possible, you should also park in a garage or behind a secure gate / physical barrier and use immobilisers, such as a wheel lock, for extra security

For more information, follow this link.