writes Jess Morden, Newport East MP.

"With Parliament now in recess, it’s brilliant to be able to spend lots of time in the constituency, visiting groups and businesses to hear about how things are going.

"This summer has been a real feast of festivals and fairs in Newport East. We’ve already had Maindee Festival, a five-day live music and comedy bonanza at Beechwood Park, The Caerleon Festival, the Yemeni Association Festival in Pill and lots of other events like the events at Maindee Triangle, the Medieval Ship Summer Fair and a whole host of play days for children and young people.

"These events bring together the whole city and are a great way to celebrate our Newport’s wonderful strengths and diverse groups and communities through music, dance, history and play. Thank you so much to everyone who works so hard to make them happen.

"Speaking of brilliant goings on, it’s wonderful to see the Newport BID Urban Beach in John Frost Square being used by so many families. I popped by there last week and the city centre was buzzing with activity and people.

"There’s so much to do for families in the city centre this summer, including the Maritime-themed garden in Friars Walk and all the events programmed with that, the Rising Hub which is a hive of history and activity celebrating our Chartist heritage and the amazing new kid’s play area in the Market.

"I also had the pleasure of visiting Caerleon’s Roman Legion Museum last week and was lucky enough to see some of the artefacts that aren’t currently on display. As the second-oldest museum in Wales, it was good to hear more of the plans for the museum and to find out more about their events this summer. Entry is free to the museum all year round.

"Last week, I visited Rodney Parade with John Griffiths MS, Jane Hutt MS, and councillors Gavin Horton and Emma Stowell-Corten to hear about all of the work the Dragons do in communities across Newport and the wider Gwent area, working with everyone from toddlers to the elderly. What they do off the pitch is just brilliant - thank you to everyone who works so hard to reach out to so many.

"Thank you to the team at Newport Cathedral for hosting a peace vigil earlier this month. Bringing together people from all over the city it was a timely and thoughtful service that reminded us all of just what a wonderful city Newport is. 

"Now we are past the election, my resident advice surgeries are back up and running again. The next one will be in the city centre on Saturday 14th September. If you’re a resident in Newport East (which now covers the Langstone and Bishton, Llanwern, Ringland, Alway, Beechwood, Maindee, St Julian’s, Caerleon, Malpas, Pill, Shaftesbury, Stow Hill and Bettws wards) and there are any issues you’d like to discuss with me or if there’s anything I can help with, please get in touch to book an appointment."

You can call 01633 841725 or email jessica.morden.mp@parliament.uk.