A MAN who drinks 30 cans of lager a day repeatedly punched a complete stranger in an unprovoked attack as the victim picked up his girlfriend.

Ian Davies, 45, launched the “nasty assault” on Christopher Gettings in the Cefn Fforest area of Blackwood last Halloween.

Prosecutor Abdallah Barakat told Newport Crown Court that the victim needed dental treatment after suffering mouth injuries in the alcohol-fuelled violence.

Davies, of Gibbs Close, Blackwood pleaded guilty to assault occasioning actual bodily harm.

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He also admitted damaging Mr Gettings’ car.

The judge heard that Davies has a serious drink problem.

Harriet Ealdon representing the defendant said her client is a carer for his mother.

Recorder Mark Powell KC told Davies: “That you're managing to look after your mother and at the same time drink 30 cans of lager a day, it seems to me that it is remarkable that you're able to do that.

“But it also means you've got too much money and too much time on your hands.”

He added: “I have to sentence you for one count of assault occasioning actual bodily harm against Christopher Gettings, a man you didn't know.

“The victim went to pick up his girlfriend as you were talking to her.

“To be fair to you, there's nothing said, no suggestion that you were talking inappropriately to her.

“He opens the car door to let her in and you hop in and start punching him for no apparent reason whatsoever.

“You then get out and continue to punch him.”

The judge said that had Davies not pleaded guilty he would have been sent to jail.

He told him: “What is clear is that for the people of Blackwood it is much better that you have forced treatment for your addiction than if I send you to prison where you will serve half the time and you'll come out and you'll be in exactly the same position as you are at the moment.”

Davies was sent to prison for 24 weeks but the sentence was suspended for 12 months.

The defendant must complete a 20-day rehabilitation activity requirement and was made the subject of a nine-month alcohol treatment requirement.

He has to pay the complainant’s £434.17 dental bill in compensation and a £187 surcharge.

Davies was also made the subject of a two-year restraining order not to contact Mr Gettings.