A WOMAN who keeps calling 999 when there isn’t a genuine emergency assaulted a police constable who came to arrest her.

Public nuisance Gaynor Nott abused officers when they arrived at her home before launching “an unprovoked attack of a serious nature” on one of them.

She also damaged a Peugeot 308 Gwent Police car, Newport Magistrates’ Court was told.

The 61-year-old from Bargoed, Caerphilly was made the subject of criminal behaviour order last year to stop her abusing the 999 system.

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Nott was jailed for 36 weeks in March after she pleaded guilty to breaching that order and being in breach of a suspended sentence.

She was back before court after committing these latest offences last week on Monday, August 5.

The defendant, of Vale View, admitted assaulting an emergency worker, breaching a criminal behaviour order and criminal damage.

Nott was locked up for a further 36 weeks and told she would serve half of that time in custody before being released on licence.

She was ordered to pay the female police officer she assaulted £150 compensation.