A YOUNG drug dealer was arrested with his mother and father after police raided their home and found £12,000 in cash.

Ashton Greenland, 20, of Davy Close, Newport was a “successful” criminal running a highly profitable drugs line supplying heroin, cocaine and cannabis in the city.

Charges of drug dealing against his parents Daniel Greenland, 51, and Donna Greenland, 52, of the same address, who spent time in custody on remand, have been dropped, meaning they have been cleared of the alleged offences.

When officers executed a drugs warrant on May 26 they also seized heroin, cocaine and cannabis with a potential street value of nearly £3,000 and jewellery.

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Police also came across his Nokia “burner” phone with 6,990 text bombs offering drugs for sale, prosecutor Nik Strobl told Cardiff Crown Court.

Greenland pleaded guilty to being concerned in the supply of heroin, being concerned in the supply of cocaine and being concerned in the supply of cannabis.

He also admitted possession of criminal property.

Hannah Friedman representing him asked the court to take into account her client’s early guilty pleas and his young age.

“He left school with no qualifications and found work as a labourer,” she revealed.

His barrister added: “He has aspirations to be a barber when he leaves custody.”

The defendant’s remorse was “genuine” it was said.

Judge Vanessa Francis told Greenland: “The amount of cash seized – £12,000 – is testament to how successful your business was.

“You are an intelligent and resourceful young man running a successful enterprise but it added to the misery of other people.

"Police were concerned that your parents might be involved and they had faced charges and spent some time in custody but no evidence has now been offered against them."

She said his offending was so serious that only a custodial sentence could be justified.

The defendant was sent to a young offender institution for two years and eight months.

Greenland will serve half of that term in custody before being released on licence.

He was told that the time he had served remanded in custody would count towards his sentence.

The drugs were forfeited to be destroyed and the cash handed over to Gwent Police to aid them in their fight against drug traders.