A Newport campaigner has called a city centre footbridge "stinking dirty" and has called on the council to clean it.  

The City Centre bridge that leads to Newport County's Rodney Parade stadium has been highlighted as an area of concern by Conservative campaigner Michael Enea, who says it is covered in "grime, algae and moss".

Newport County will play their first home game of the new football season against Doncaster Rovers on Saturday and Mr Enea is worried about the impression that the state of the bridge will leave on the visiting supporters from south Yorkshire.

Mr Enea said: “It should be an honour to welcome people into Newport.

"But what must visiting football and rugby supporters think when they walk across Newport’s City Centre footbridge?  

“First impressions count. The bridge is literally stinking dirty with a thick black layer of grime, algae and moss. It’s disgusting.”  

“The council must get on top of this. The bridge was meant to have been cleaned and painted in the spring. Then they said in April, May or June. We’re now into August and nothing?” 

Mr. Enea said he submitted a freedom of information request back in early March which revealed a painting programme had been scheduled for the first three months of 2024.  

However, due to maintenance works on the bridge’s deck, this would likely to be pushed back to April, May or June. 

In March of this year, Newport Conservative leader Matthew Evans MBE said: “The Usk Way walkover bridge is a prominent landmark in the city centre and I find it unbelievable it hasn’t been given a lick of paint in nine years, possibly longer.” 

“I wouldn’t be surprised if it hasn’t been painted at all since it opened in 2006.

“You should always factor in a maintenance budget for all capital projects - it’s not rocket science.” 

Mr Evans continued: “First impressions count. Thousands of football and rugby supporters travel from all over to visit our great city.” 

“When they walk over the bridge to Rodney Parade, what must they think? Dirty? Grubby? Filthy?” 

Newport City Council did not respond to a request for comment.