There are many dogs in rescue centres who are looking for new, loving homes.

Here we bring you five dogs at Many Tears Animal Rescue who are currently looking to move to a permanent home.

Jake the PointerJake the Pointer (Image: Many Tears Animal Rescue Centre)

Jake, a 10-year-old male Pointer, has a calm and gentle nature.

Happy to spend his day lounging by your side once he gets to know you, Jake is a true gentleman.

However, due to his hunting background, a home without cats or small furries is vital.

Jake has never experienced life in a home, so he would need help mastering domestic skills, like housetraining.

He does get along well with other dogs and would appreciate a calm companion to share his home with.

Tolly the LabradorTolly the Labrador (Image: Many Tears Animal Rescue Centre)

Next is Tolly, a nine-year-old female Labrador, who has a laid-back attitude and love for life's simple pleasures – walks, meal times, and a comfy bed.

Being new to a home, Tolly like Jake would need help with housetraining. She arrived at Many Tears from a breeder and can be a little worries but won't take too long to settle in.

She would be happy sharing her new family with a confident canine companion.

Muki, a CrossbreedMuki, a Crossbreed (Image: Many Tears Animal Rescue Centre)

Muki, a seven-year-old male Crossbreed, is a friendly soul who greets everyone like he's known them forever.

With a zest for life and a love for walks, he could be the perfect companion for anyone looking for a buddy.

Muki, too, would need to learn about life in a home but is enthusiastic to learn and a staff favourite.

Winnie the Cocker SpanielWinnie the Cocker Spaniel (Image: Many Tears Animal Rescue Centre)

Two-year-old Cocker Spaniel, Winnie is active, friendly and looking for an adults-only home.

She has displayed some guarding behaviours – showing protectiveness over toys and the sofa – so she needs a family that can establish strong boundaries to help her thrive.

Despite these behaviours, Winnie is a delight to care for and is excited about becoming someone's adventure partner.

Lola the ChihuahuaLola the Chihuahua (Image: Many Tears Animal Rescue Centre)

Last but certainly not least, Lola, a two-year-old Chihuahua, stole hearts with her affectionate and friendly nature.

Although she can initially be nervous around other dogs, she soon relaxes and enjoys their company.

This sociable girl is happiest in a home where people can keep her company through the day.

She can live with children who are respectful of her needs.

To learn more about any of these dogs or apply for adoption, visit the Many Tears Animal Rescue website.