MARCUS Barter, 30, has been missing for over two weeks in what his family describes as ‘a totally unusual and out of character’ disappearance.

His family, including four-year-old son Mason, are longing for him to come home.

The 30-year-old from Newport was first reported missing on August 3, after being last seen walking down Coed y Caerau Lane on Thursday, August 1.

“My grandson, his son Mason, keeps asking ‘where’s Daddy?’ - he is only four years old and doesn’t understand why daddy isn’t home,” said Marcus’ mother, Nicola.

“He is obsessed with Marcus. He always wants daddy over mummy because Marcus doesn’t ever say no to him!”

Marcus’ family have described the past two weeks with him missing as a ‘living nightmare’ which they hope to wake up from.

“Me and Marcus have always been close. He can tell me anything and he always has been able to,” Nicola said.

“Because of this I just can’t understand why he won’t tell me where he is. We are all so worried about him.

“You see this sort of thing in the media and think ‘that’s terrible’ but never will it happen to you. It is like torture.”

Marcus and his son Mason, 4, who wants 'daddy to come home.'Marcus and his son Mason, 4, who wants 'daddy to come home.' (Image: Supplied)

Gwent Police started searching for Marcus the day he went missing and found his car as well as some CCTV footage of him walking near Wentwood forest.

In the days following, the police sent drones to search the area with officers, helicopters and police dogs. This includes searching the River Usk at low tide.

Chief Inspector David Morris said: “In the next two days we will be deploying specially trained police dogs, known as DV dogs, who will search the area and are trained specifically to find people, dead or alive.”

“We are contacting mountain rescue who will help with another extensive search in the area.

“We have had one possible sighting of Marcus, by a woman who claims to have seen him walking along Usk Road, which extends the search area quite drastically.

“The biggest challenge in this case is its rural location and that Marcus’ phone has not released any phone signal.

“From reviewing CCTV footage we know that several vehicles have used the road at around the time Marcus was last seen on August 1.

“If you drove along this road or were in the area between 1.30pm and 4.30pm on that Thursday, and especially if you have dashcam footage, then please contact us.

"This search will not be over until Marcus is found."

Marcus’ brother, Simon, 34, said that Marcus suffers with his mental health and has a type of OCD, which heightens their concern, as he is ‘without his medication’.

His younger brother Jacob said: “Me and Marcus are especially close. If Marcus is ever struggling with anything, he usually puts it on me, and I help him.”

The family have been searching for Marcus since the day he was reported missing.

Their searches have involved a large community effort, including using GPS signal to log the areas they have covered.

They have also set up a Facebook group, called SEARCH FOR MARCUS BARTER, where people can report any possible sightings.

Marcus is described as around six foot tall and of large build with dark brown hair shaved to the back and sides and worn longer on top. He was last seen wearing grey shorts, a grey T-shirt, and sliders.

Police believe his attire, which is ‘unusual for someone going on a walk near the forest’ could play a big role in identifying him.

Anyone with information on his whereabouts is asked to call 101 or send Gwent Police a direct message on social media, quoting log number 2400258746.

This case is now in the hands of Gwent Police’s major incidents team, which means you can use their public portal to inform them of any information you might have in helping to find Marcus.

You can also report anonymously on the Crimestoppers website.