EMPLOYEES at the Ron Skinner and Sons dealership in Tredegar are concerned for their future following the devastating fire which ruined their workplace overnight on August 17.

Adam Evans, 25, works as a mechanic for Ron Skinner and Sons and saw on Facebook last night that his workplace had gone up in flames.

“It was quite shocking to be honest with you, seeing all the flames and the smoke coming out of the building,” he said.

“There are loads of cars inside that will be ruined, all on average are worth £20,000 each – there will be millions of pounds worth of damage.

“The showroom looks as though it has faced the worst of the fire. Inside there were hundreds of cars which were all brand new.

“I heard about what was going on online via Facebook, but I never imagined that it would be as bad as it is. I don’t know how they will ever resolve this.

“It looks like they will need to knock it all down and start fresh, which is devastating for the community as it is one of the largest employers in the area.”

This Ron Skinner and Sons in Tredegar is one of the company’s largest car dealerships in Wales.

They do not only employ car salesmen, but also receptionists, security guards, mechanics, lorry drivers, admin staff, finance advisers as well as many others.

“Quite a few jobs are bound to be affected by this, as they are one of the biggest employers in Gwent," said Adam.

“We as employees have not received any kind of correspondence from the company so far, but I expect we will hear something before Monday.

“They do have other branches, such as in Cardiff, so hopefully they can accommodate those who can no longer work here in this Tredegar dealership.

"As a mechanic I should be fine because we work at the top of the industrial estate, but I guess we will soon see."

The fire services are currently working alongside Gwent Police to investigate the origin of the fire.

If anyone has any information that might help with the enquiry, you can contact Gwent Police by DM on their social media channels, or by calling 101.