The family behind the car salesroom ravaged by fire have thanked the public for their support.

Ron Skinner and Sons in Tredegar were victims of a large-scale commercial fire which broke out at around 11pm on Friday, August 16.

In a statement published on social media, sales manager for the dealership said, “as you can imagine what has happened over the past 24 hours is truly devastating for the family of Ron Skinner and Sons and all the employees.”

“I just wanted to say a massive thank you for all the support you have given us and all the heartfelt messages.

“They haven’t been missed and they are truly appreciated.”

It comes after the showroom was destroyed over the weekend as the fire travelled from one side of the showroom to the other ‘in a matter of seconds’, according to eyewitnesses.

It took more than 100 firefighters to tackle the blaze at the Tafarnaubach Industrial Estate that evening, with fire services coming together from across Wales to help.

Firefighters from across Wales tackled the fire as it spread from one end of the unit to the other ‘within minutes.’

The first engines arrived ay the scene around 11.15pm, but the building did not stop smoking until the afternoon of the day after, August 17.

They pumped water from the lake at the local park Bryn Bach, to help with their mission.

Floods of local people attended the scene the morning after, Saturday August 17, to see the damage, where the entire unit’s ceiling had collapsed, and black soot laced the building.

Burnt cars lined the dealership, all of which would have had less than 20,000 miles on the clock according to employee Adam Lewis, who works there as a mechanic.

Onlookers have estimated that there has been a devastating ‘millions of pounds worth of damage’ done to the business.

The fire services are currently working alongside Gwent Police to investigate the origin of the fire and will monitor the area over the next few days.

If anyone has any information that might help with the enquiry, you can contact Gwent Police by DM on their social media channels, or by calling 101.