A RECENT survey of people in Wales' opinion about the blanket 20mph speed limit has revealed one standout response. 

That is that Wales 'overwhelmingly' rejects the 20mph speed limit that has been in place across the country since September 2023, after being announced in 2022. 

Welsh Labour had hoped that it would help to reduce crashes, noise and encourage more use of alternative modes of transport, including buses and cycling

However, the policy has seen major opposition from many sides, including  a number of petitions that have been created to call for the limit to be scrapped. 

It has also become a rallying point for Labour's political opponents, particularly the Conservatives, who are hoping to dislodge Labour from government at the next Senedd election in 2026.

This is not surprising, as a recent YouGov poll showed that a staggering 72% or seven in people, say they oppose the new limit, including half who define themselves as 'strongly opposed' to it. 

In comparison, only around a quarter of the Welsh public have been recorded as supporting the policy. 

Opposition for the policy is widespread, with opponents outnumbering supporters among every part of the Welsh public. Nine in ten voters for Labour's direct opposition, Conservative and Reform UK, oppose the policy. 

However, there is limited support within Labour and Plaid, who supported the policy, with 59% of Labour and 56% of Plaid voters also opposed to it. 

Responding to the YouGov poll, that shows seven in ten Welsh people oppose the default 20mph speed limit, Natasha Asghar MS, Welsh Conservative Shadow Transport Minister, said:

“It is clear that the opposition to Labour’s 20mph policy is widespread, continuing to grow and the Welsh Government’s ‘listening’ exercise is clearly not having the desired affect on the Welsh public changing their mind in relation to this madcap Labour/Plaid policy.

“This latest poll shows people in Wales are rightly frustrated with the £33 million policy that will hit the Welsh economy by up to £9 billion.

“The Welsh Conservatives have been clear; we will scrap 20mph, roll out a targeted approach in sensitive areas, reverse Labour’s road building ban and get Wales moving in the right direction.”

You can view the full poll here.