Every Monday on our New Arrivals page we give them a big welcome to the world.

If you’ve recently had a baby and would like to share your news with us go to www.southwalesargus.co.uk/new-baby/ and fill in our easy-to-use Q&A.

Tobias James Daniel BrownTobias James Daniel Brown (Image: Supplied)

We welcome three new arrivals born at The Grange Hospital, starting with Tobias James Daniel Brown on August 7 to parents Tara Cuff and Scott Brown of Beaufort, Ebbw Vale. He will join his siblings Elijah (four) and Noah (18 months).

Tobias tipped the scales at 6lb 4oz and he was born three weeks early after mum Tara's waters broke at 4pm.

"He was born via VBAC by 10.55pm the same night with only paracetamol and a short amount of time on gas and air," his parents shared.

Tobias is currently in NICU, but is doing well.

Ivy-Grace Elizabeth BennettIvy-Grace Elizabeth Bennett (Image: Supplied)

Ivy-Grace Elizabeth Bennett, daughter of Kyanna Powell and Kai Bennett of Blaina, was born on June 3 weighing 7lb 6oz.

It was a quick labour as Ivy-Grace was born within nine minutes of pushing, one hour and five minutes after going into labour.

Kody AllmanKody Allman (Image: Supplied)

Completing the trio, Kody Rhys Allman was born to Katrina Allman on June 13.

Born eight days early at 7lb 5oz, Kody joins siblings Ieuan (23), Nathan (14), and Corey (six) in Newport, having overcome the challenge of three breach positions through the perseverance of his mother and medical assistance.