Adult learners have also been celebrating GCSE success this week.

This summer, 43 learners from Torfaen Adult Community Learning sat their GCSE English and maths exams.

Among those were mother and son Anna Charles-Jones and Theo Charles-Jones who both sat their GCSE maths, with Anna attaining a B and Theo a C.

Anna said: "I sat my GCSE maths to support my son Theo whilst doing his.

"My advice to anyone thinking about resitting their exams is to just do it.

"We had fantastic teachers, great support and made wonderful friends along the way."

The pair studied at The Power Station education centre in Cwmbran, alongside Shirley Evens, from Thornhill, in Cwmbran, who also got a C in maths.

Dylan Gracia, 18, from Cwmbran studied for an English GCSE.

He said: "It's definitely something you should do if you're looking for opportunities.

"This qualification is allowing me to go on and study cyber security in Barry."

Councillor Joanne Gauden, executive member for economy, skills and regeneration, said: "This year's results are testament to the hard work and dedication of our adult learners and our tutors in the Adult Community Learning Service.

"Offering residents the chance to improve their skills and gain qualifications is one of the priorities in our County Plan.

"We're so proud of our learners celebrating their amazing achievements today. Not only is it proof of their commitment to succeed, but it also reflects the high-quality teaching and learning that takes place in within the ACL service."

For information about studying for GCSE English or maths, or a GCSE preparation course, contact the Adult Community Learning team on 01633 647647 or email