A “NARCISTIC and manipulative” paedophile groomed a 15-year-old girl living 4,000 miles away in Canada over a webcam from his bedroom.

Lee Sandeman, 39, from Ebbw Vale persuaded her to carry out sex acts on herself which he secretly filmed and photographed after “gaining her trust”.

When she discovered the defendant had recorded her she was “absolutely mortified” and went to her local police department in British Columbia to report him.

Prosecutor Nuhu Gobir told Cardiff Crown Court that Sandeman lived with his mother and Gwent Police carried out a raid on the property in November 2021.

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As well as finding evidence incriminating him of offences against the girl in North America, detectives found disturbing child abuse films and pictures.

One showed the “oral rape” of a trussed up nine-year-old girl.

Sandeman also had a collection of more than 4,000 extreme pornographic images depicting bestiality.

The court heard that his bedroom was filthy and that rubbish had piled up a feet deep.

The defendant, of Station Terrace, Cwm admitted causing a girl to engage in sexual activity and engaging in sexual communication with a child.

Sandeman also pleaded guilty to making indecent photographs of children and possession of extreme pornographic images.

He had no previous convictions.

Byron Broadstock representing Sandeman said: “The defendant became detached from reality.

“He and the girl never met and they were a continent apart.

“The offences against her are something that only recently would have been possible in human history.”

His barrister also asked the court to take into account the near three-year delay in bringing Sandeman to justice during which he had committed no other offences.

Judge Lucy Crowther launched a withering attack on the defendant.

Referring to his pre-sentence report, she told Sandeman: “You have never worked save I think three months in a job that you described as boring.

“You have spent your adult life locked up in your bedroom in your mother’s house and she supports you.

“Your life appeared to revolve around drinking bottles of wine, smoking cannabis and online gaming.

“You appear to have a completely distorted view of the world.”

She added: “You were grossly derogatory about those who tried to educate you.

“You talk about your mother in offensive terms, despite the fact she's the one that looks after you.

“You have little regard for people, referring to many people around you as stupid and boring.

“But your world was such a small one that it only really revolved around, as I said, online gaming, drinking wine and smoking cannabis.

“You are narcistic and manipulative.

“You groomed her, there is no doubt about that.”

He was jailed for 32 months and will have to register as a sex offender for life.