Truancy at a Torfaen school has reportedly fallen by 96 per cent after it linked up with a local church.

Noddfa Church, in partnership with Abersychan Comprehensive School, has opened an offsite provision with the aim of fulfilling the academic requirements for pupils while broadening the curriculum to offer wider opportunities for learning life skills.

The church serves more than 300 people a week through youth clubs, music groups, coffee mornings, Foodshare and various other ministries including Sunday services, Bible studies.

It is best known for its annual Christmas service 'Carols Under the Arch', which is attended by thousands.

Kelly Davies, a former Royal Navy engineer, lecturer, successful businesswoman and member of Noddfa Church, will lead the "Life Skills” provision at Noddfa.

She said: “We have so much to offer these pupils, they will learn a broad set of skills with us, from how to write CV’s to bee-keeping, we have volunteers in the church who can teach them new languages, arts and crafts, music, construction, car maintenance and finance.”

Kelly’ will be working alongside the school to facilitate the many church volunteers who will support the pupils.

She said: “We want to create a safe space that will encourage learning in many different areas so that the students can develop ideas and be excited for their futures."

The pupils can 'give back' to the community by serving in Noddfa’s award-winning Foodshare programme and other charitable works.

Rhodri Thomas, headtacher at Abersychan School, said: “We want every student to succeed and with the help of Noddfa Church we can now offer an enriched curriculum that will help pupils who attend to reach their full potential.”

The learning Hwb has 20 pupils currently registered from the school. They are are picked up from their homes by bus and are registered with the school before attending the Hwb, where breakfast is provided at Noddfa Church. They return then to school for lunch.

The learning hub launched in the summer term and the results show a 96 per cent reduction in internal truancy and a massive improvement in behaviour in the school. 

Pastor John Funnell, from Noddfa Church, said:  “We are delighted to utilise the myriad skillsets within our church members to help develop the next generation in our valley to live more productive lives.”

Councillor Giles Davies said: "This partnership offers a remarkable opportunity to empower these students with an education they might otherwise find challenging to attain.

"As a ward councillor, I am consistently amazed by the dedication of Noddfa Church, and I wholeheartedly support them in this latest venture."