Shoppers have noticed an increase in police and council presence in Newport town centre, dealing with the ‘gang’ labelled as the ‘Upper Dock Street zombies.’

This ‘gang’ has become notorious for causing havoc to residents and business owners in and around Newport’s High Street, with claims from locals that they are ‘continuously drinking, doing drugs in and vandalising the city centre.’

An increased presence of the authorities comes following a promise made by Newport City Council, assuring locals and businesses that the issue of anti-social behaviour in Newport City Centre is being addressed.

On August 15, the council put together an ‘action day’ where they spoke to residents and business owners about their city centre concerns.

“This day of action formed part of the new Problem-Solving Policing (POP) Plan for the city centre which includes addressing any incidents of anti-social behaviour in Upper Dock Street and the surrounding areas,” said Sergeant Paul Turner, from the Newport neighbourhood policing team.

“With more visible patrols of officers in known hotspots and our close working relationships with licensees, community safety officers and night-time ambassadors, we have seen a month-on-month decrease in recorded offences for violent crime and robbery in the city centre.

"I want to reassure all residents, businesses and visitors to Newport that we're listening to your concerns, and we’re committed to working with our partners to continue to make life better and safer for everyone."

Councillor Pat Drewett said that these ‘action days’ will become a regular occurrence in the city.

Different public bodies will be working together, according to the council.Different public bodies will be working together, according to the council. (Image: NCC)

However, business owners have said they are not necessarily convinced by this new plan.

“I haven’t seen anyone patrolling since their first, glamorous ‘action day’. Maybe they just did it for the picture, to make themselves look good online,” said Blake, the son of the owner of Xclusive Jewellers, a business that has operated in Newport for almost 40 years.

Gwent Police continue to urge businesses in Newport to send CCTV footage of any anti social behaviour in the city centre, to help them deal with it effectively.

“Anti-social behaviour, and any offences associated to it, is completely unacceptable and we understand the distress it causes residents and business owners,” PC Michael Hiscox, Crime and Disorder Reduction Officer for Newport Central.

“Along with working with our partners, members of the neighbourhood policing team have increased the number of patrols in the area, carried out numerous arrests, confiscated alcohol and issued on the spot civil fines under the Public Space Protection Order (PSPO).

"We remain committed to doing what we can, together with our partners and members of the community, to make Newport a safe place to live and work.

“I encourage residents and businesses to keep reporting incidents of anti-social behaviour to us, but more than this, I urge those reporting to engage with us - provide statements, submit CCTV - to support us take action against those causing misery to our community.

“Our message is clear, such behaviour will not be tolerated.”

If you see something you think is not right, or want to report a non-urgent crime, you can reach Gwent Police on 101, or DM them via their social media accounts.