A FATHER-OF-FIVE drug dealer has been jailed after he was caught red-handed with cocaine worth “many thousands of pounds” following a police raid on his home.

Jamie Court, 35, of Hoskins Street, Newport was locked up for nearly three years when he appeared for sentence at the city’s crown court.

The defendant pleaded guilty to possession of 36.6g of the class A drug with intent to supply on March 15, prosecutor Paul Hewitt said.

Officers had also recovered £335 cash and a “burner-style mobile phone” from Court’s address.

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His barrister Ben Waters described his client as a “family man”.

He said in mitigation: “The defendant has been very much involved in the life of his children and it goes without saying that his partner and those children will suffer greatly from not having him in their life.

“However, he has actually brought this upon himself but there is a significant amount of guilt as a result of the effects that this will have upon them.”

Mr Waters added: “The defendant describes his arrest as a wake-up call.

“He describes being charged by the police, remanded by the police and his appearance before the lower court as something that did cause him distress.

“And he knows that while he has been on bail, he's been on borrowed time.

“This is ultimately the day of reckoning for this defendant.”

Judge Matthew Porter-Bryant told Court: “The estimated street value of the drugs is many thousands of pounds.

“You're a 35-year-old man with no relevant previous convictions.

“I have read the character references advanced on your behalf and listened closely to the mitigation advanced by Mr Waters.

“I have also considered closely a letter from a local sports team and from your partner.

“As Mr Waters said, you have previously demonstrated an ability to lead a productive life.”

Court was sent to prison for 33 months and told he would serve half of that sentence in custody before being released on licence.

He is also set to face a proceeds of crime hearing.