A MAN has been jailed for a catalogue of sexual assaults committed against a girl during the 1980s and 1990s.

Newport Crown Court heard how Michael Ellis, 57, from Blackwood would sometimes use force to overcome and abuse his victim.

The defendant was found guilty by a jury following a trial of 15 different counts – 14 of indecent assault and one of attempted rape.

The charges relate to more than 100 sex attacks on her.

Ellis continues to deny any wrongdoing.

In an impact statement read to the court, the victim said: “I hated my childhood.”

She revealed how she was fearful of the defendant and that she suffers flashbacks.

Harry Baker representing Ellis asked for his client’s previous good character with no previous convictions recorded against him to be taken into account.

Judge Matthew Porter-Bryant told the defendant: “There are aggravating features in this case, one of them is that there was a degree of force used when you committed many of your offences.”

He added: “I've noted the contents of the pre-sentence report.

“You continue to deny the offences with no empathy expressed or identified by the PSR author.

“Your continued denials are such that it has not been possible for the PSR author to identify the reasons behind your offending.

“However, you do not have any previous convictions for sexual offences and your antecedents are limited to a caution for a minor criminal damage that is now over a decade old.

“Prior to being remanded in custody, you were in gainful employment and that had been the case for much of your adult life.”

Ellis, of Fair View, Pengam was jailed for 11 years and told he will have to register as a sex offender indefinitely.

He was also made the subject of a restraining order and sexual harm prevention order for 30 years.