"IT'S time to close the doors to have a good retirement."

News of the closure of one of the oldest stores in Newport has sent shockwaves through the community.

Arnold's Lighting and Electricals has been in Newport since 1808, but now the store on Skinner Street is bringing a close to a prolonged and distinguished historical legacy.

The South Wales Argus spoke with owner Nigel Merrett after the news broke that the store will be closing in early December 2024. 

We went to the store on Saturday August 31 to discuss the remarkable legacy steadily built over centuries within the city streets of Newport.

Arnold's Lighting and Electricals shop frontArnold's Lighting and Electricals shop front (Image: NQ)

History of Arnold's Electricals

Mr Merrett has been working at Arnold's for more than fifty years and said that he took over from his father, who worked for the original Arnold's store and retired around 20 years ago.

"My father worked at the original Arnold's when they decided to pack in the business, so he took the business over and so it never closed down."

Arnold’s pictured around 100 years agoArnold’s pictured around 100 years ago (Image: File)

Then, Mr Merrett explained, he worked with his father who showed him the tricks of the trade, and who then took over the store full-time once his father retired.

The original Arnold's store opened in 1808 as an ironmongers at Godfrey Road in Newport. The site on Skinner Street has been there for over a hundred years, said Mr Merrett.

The store also stood four doors up from the current site on Skinner Street.

Skinner Street in Newport, the site of Arnold's Lighting and Electricals.Skinner Street in Newport, the site of Arnold's Lighting and Electricals. (Image: NQ)

'A lot of memories'

Speaking of the customers in Newport, Mr Merrett said: "It's a lot of memories.

Arnold's Lighting and Electricals stocks everything from free-standing lamps to touch lighting, bulbs, clocks and toasters.Arnold's Lighting and Electricals stocks everything from free-standing lamps to touch lighting, bulbs, clocks and toasters. (Image: NQ)

"The amount of people and friends that have come in today, they've all bought something from me because they just wanted to see us."

Before speaking to Nigel, The Argus overheard a lady who visited the shop to say hello and to thank the owner for serving the community for as long as he has.

Nigel Merrett added that many people have visited the store this weekend since the announcement of the closure (due to retirement) to have a chat with the staff.

Arnold's Lighting and Electricals stocks everything from free-standing lamps to touch lighting, bulbs, clocks and toasters.Arnold's Lighting and Electricals stocks everything from free-standing lamps to touch lighting, bulbs, clocks and toasters. (Image: NQ)

He said: "We've had no ill feelings with anybody over all the years I've been here.

"Like today (Saturday), we've had all different ages and they come in to have a chat."

He then joked that they are like the doctors, and explains, "men and women, they tell you everything and all their ailments and their family problems," which he said is down to the trust they have built in the community over the decades.

Arnold's Lighting and Electricals stocks everything from free-standing lamps to touch lighting, bulbs, clocks and toasters.Arnold's Lighting and Electricals stocks everything from free-standing lamps to touch lighting, bulbs, clocks and toasters. (Image: NQ)

Well-earned retirement

While shops up and down the country are closing on local high streets due to the cost-of-living crisis, Mr Merrett affirmed that Arnold's is closing down due to a well-earned retirement.

Speaking on the retirement, Nigel said he has many plans including potential travel.

He said: "You've got to retire at some point, so I think it's coming at the right time."

That's not to say that Mr Merrett hasn't noticed the drop in footfall in Newport City Centre over the years.

Arnold's Lighting and Electricals insideArnold's Lighting and Electricals inside (Image: NQ)

He said: "Years ago, you wouldn't walk on the streets and you would have been pushed off the streets, there was that many people.

"You had every shop here.

"People used to come to Newport and they'd come in at nine o'clock in the morning and they wouldn't finish shopping until six, because they wouldn't have gone round all the shops.

"As time has gone by, we're the last man standing in the streets.

"There are new shops now that Newport City Homes have actually put here so it's trying to get people into them now."

Plaques of the Chartist mural, displayed in Arnold's ElectricalsPlaques of the Chartist mural, displayed in Arnold's Electricals (Image: NQ)

Mr Merrett mentioned that things have started to change, as more people are visiting Newport and shopping local, which is leading to an increase in footfall.

Supporting local businesses

Walking into Arnold's Lighting and Electricals, located on Skinner Street, is a must if you are roaming in Newport City Centre.

Not only are customers greeted by friendly faces offering their help in a brightly-lit store, but you are reminded of Newport's rich, Chartist history.

Mr Merrett said he has stocked items from local business owners periodically through the years, such as prints of the Chartist mural created by his good friend Kelvin Reddicliffe.

Mr Merrett said, "100 per cent of the proceeds go to local charities," such as St. David's Hospice.

Mr Reddicliffe, added: "They're prints of the Chartist mural which used to be on John Frost Square.

Nigel Merrett (left) and Kelvin Reddicliffe (right)Nigel Merrett (left) and Kelvin Reddicliffe (right) (Image: NQ)

Prints of the Chartist mural, framed and displayed in Arnold's ElectricalsPrints of the Chartist mural, framed and displayed in Arnold's Electricals (Image: NQ)

"I had photographed it before it was unfortunately taken off the wall.

"Then I wrote to Oliver Budd, who's father (Kenneth) created it. He gave me his permission to reproduce his father's work, and his work as well.

"They (the prints) have raised thousands and thousands, and I can't thank Mr Merrett enough for that."

Print of the Chartist mural, displayed in Arnold's ElectricalsPrint of the Chartist mural, displayed in Arnold's Electricals (Image: NQ)

Part of the original Chartist mural, framed and displayed in Arnold's ElectricalsPart of the original Chartist mural, framed and displayed in Arnold's Electricals (Image: NQ)

The owner of Arnold's Lighting and Electricals, said: "We've been thankful over the years that, yeah, things have declined. But, you know, we've just got to thank everybody, because they've kept us going."

He also asks those who are in Newport City Centre to support local businesses.

One example Nigel gave of this support was of a customer who came in to buy a carrier bag from Arnold's, "a pristine carrier bag so she can keep it for memories," showing how the presence of the store has affected those in the community and has left a positive mark.

Mr Merrett will be closing down the store to take retirement in early December 2024, and will continue to serve the community of Newport City Centre until then.

Arnold's current summer sale, offering 25 per cent off selected items.Arnold's current summer sale, offering 25 per cent off selected items. (Image: NQ)

Right now, a 25% summer sale is being offered to those that visit Nigel and the team.