THE council has approved plans for a new driveway and construction of a new garage with solar panels at a listed building.

Newport City Council has granted plans with conditions for a new driveway and construction of a new garage with solar panels at a listed building known as The Friars on Christchurch Road in Newport.

The application was registered with the council on May 2, 2024, and the council made the decision to grant with conditions on Thursday, August 29, 2024.

Christchurch Road in NewportChristchurch Road in Newport (Image: Google Maps)

The conditions set out by the council are:

  • The development must begin no later than the expiration of five years from the date of this permission under Section 18 of the Planning [Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas] Act 1990.

    • This means the development must begin before August 29, 2029.

  • As part of the Heritage Impact Statement, the development must follow the submitted plans and documents.

  • Before works on the garage begin, samples of roof tile and panel of stone cladding must be provided on site and approved in writing by the council. Paving stones must be submitted as well.

Christchurch Road in Newport at site of vicarageChristchurch Road in Newport at site of vicarage (Image: Google Maps)

  • Before installing solar panels, cross sections must be shown of the panels.

Seven comments were made in response to this application. 

Six of these comments were in support of the plans to build a new garage with solar panels and "new vehicular access."

Commenters said this will have a positive impact on the property and the environment.

Parking on Christchurch Road in NewportParking on Christchurch Road in Newport (Image: Google Maps)

For many, parking was a major factor in whether they support the plans, with 5 out of 6 people stating that the plans will "free up much needed parking" near the property. 

In terms of parking, one member of the public said they visit the Greyhound Pub nearby and "residents parking on their own property will only free up parking spaces in the car park and will make it a much safer place."

A sign by The Greyhound Inn which said: The Greyhound Inn Car Park Bays 1 - 7 are reserved for users of The Church and Church hall only. The remaining spaces are strictly for the use of Greyhound Inn customers only.A sign by The Greyhound Inn which said: The Greyhound Inn Car Park Bays 1 - 7 are reserved for users of The Church and Church hall only. The remaining spaces are strictly for the use of Greyhound Inn customers only. (Image: Google Maps)

One member of the public objected to the plans, and said: "The area where the wall is to be demolished is of outstanding beauty.

"The partial demolition of the wall would destroy the line of the wall, that runs around what was once all churxh in wales property.

"The road is aLso very busy is narrow. Cars travel at excess of the speed limit.

The Greyhound Inn pub (left) going north towards the Celtic Manor Resort.The Greyhound Inn pub (left) going north towards the Celtic Manor Resort. (Image: Google Maps)

"At the morning and evening rush hour times, it is barely possible to cross this road never mind having a driveway opening onto the road.

"On the lines of safety and danger to pedestrians, there is no pavement on either side of the road, i would obect to this application being passed."

The planning application number is 24/0380 and the decision notice can be viewed here.