A SLEEPY drug dealing dad was caught in bed when he got an early morning wake-up call from police as they raided his flat.

James Withey, 39, had five bags of cocaine with a potential street value of £200 next to him when officers arrested him in his Blackwood bedroom.

The defendant was linked to a drugs line and text bombs were found when his mobile phone was seized, Cardiff Crown Court was told.

Laurence Jones, prosecuting, said: “He was dealing to users at street level for significant financial gain.”

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Withey, of Cefn Fforest Avenue, Cefn Fforest pleaded guilty to being concerned in the supply of cocaine.

He also admitted possession of the class A drug with intent to supply.

The offences were committed between May 15 and August 2.

The defendant has previous convictions for theft, drink driving and driving with no insurance but none for any drug-related matters.

William Bebb representing father-of-two Withey asked the judge to suspend his client’s prison sentence.

“The defendant has the support of his family and friends who are here in court today to support him,” his barrister said.

“I would submit that there is the real prospect of rehabilitation in this case and I would ask your honour to give him a third discount as credit for his early guilty pleas.”

Mr Bebb added: “This was an operation that lacked sophistication and was low level.

“There were no luxury items found and he was doing this to make ends meet.

“The defendant has never been to prison and this was out of character for him.

“It has been a rude awakening.”

Recorder Ben Clarke jailed Withey for 28 months and he ordered the forfeiture and destruction of the drugs and mobile phone.

The defendant will serve half of that prison sentence in custody before being released halfway through on licence.