Foster families in Monmouthshire were treated to a special picnic.

Foster Wales Monmouthshire organised a summer picnic at Mardy Park, Abergavenny, on Friday, August 30, to celebrate and thank the county's foster carers.

These individuals play an essential role in ensuring children and young people can stay close to home - near the people and places that hold significance for them.

The summer picnic not only recognised the invaluable support foster carers provide, but it also offered a chance for foster carers from across the county and borders to network and exchange experiences.

Such networking events are integral to Foster Wales Monmouthshire's commitment to their foster carers.

The aim is to facilitate a platform where carers can connect and share potentially insightful or helpful experiences with each other.

On this fun-filled afternoon, the foster families also enjoyed music and activities while feasting on a buffet picnic.

Monmouthshire County Council's not-for-profit fostering team operates with a focus on finding the right home for the children and young people, with the aim of keeping them within familiar surroundings.

They always welcome potential foster parents from diverse backgrounds who may cater to the varying needs of children of all ages and young people in need of care.

Those who believe they can care for teenagers, sibling groups or children with additional needs are particularly encouraged to get in touch.

Whether it involves providing therapeutic care, short breaks, emergency care or offering refuge to children and young people seeking sanctuary, anyone who believes they can make a difference is urged to reach out.

Monmouthshire County Council's cabinet member for social care, safeguarding and accessible health services, Cllr Ian Chandler, said: "We are always in need of more and more foster carers to join the amazing team of foster carers we have already in our county.

"You could make a real difference to someone's life by being a foster carer.

"If you can provide a home on a short or long-term basis, don't hesitate to contact our officers today."

Foster Wales Monmouthshire promises a support network for their carers, including access to training, regular support groups, a dedicated social worker, out-of-hours support, a psychology and therapy service, and helpful benefits - all tailored to ensure carers have a comfortable fostering experience.

Anyone considering becoming a foster carer can find more information about Foster Wales Monmouthshire on their website.