A MAN exposed himself in the street after following a woman before telling her: “You’re beautiful you are.”

Michael Jones, 59, from Monmouth was drunk when the “lewd” incident took place in the town, Newport Crown Court was told.

Nuhu Gobir, prosecuting, said: “The defendant tried to speak to her by asking her what her name was.

“She didn't reply but when she turned around she could see that his shorts had moved down on his pelvic bone and the zip was undone.

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“The complainant noticed that his penis was exposed.

“She was shocked by this and was also worried as there were children in the street.

“The defendant said to her, ‘You're beautiful you are.’

“The complainant ignored him and continued on.”

Jones was later picked out by the woman in a police identity parade.

The defendant, of Woodland View, Wyesham pleaded guilty to outraging public decency.

The offence took place at 4.50pm on Saturday, June 3 last year.

The defendant, represented by Alice Sykes, has no similar previous convictions and had not been in trouble with the police for nearly 30 years.

The judge, Recorder Paul Lewis KC, told Jones: “The complainant did not believe that your behaviour on June 3 was directed towards her.

“Your behaviour, I have no doubt, was prompted by your consumption of alcohol and I've seen what the probation officer says about your use of alcohol.

“You followed her and made some comments towards her.

“She thought you were intoxicated and I’m satisfied that you were.”

The defendant was conditionally discharged for two years.

Recorder Lewis said: “I don't want to lock you up.

“There are real pressures on the prison system and places in prison should be reserved for people where there is no other option but to send them to prison.

“You're not in that category.”

Jones was made the subject of a five-year restraining order not to contact his victim.

He was ordered to pay £250 costs and a £26 surcharge.