It has been ten years this week since the 2014 NATO Summmit, where around 60 world leaders descended on Newport.

Helicopters hovered overhead, blue-capped policemen were stationed on every corner and Newport welcomed the president of the USA.

Many people felt like they were living through a moment of history, rather than just another weekday morning.

As well as helicopters, you may also remember the other huge security operations throughout the city, involving thousands of police, road closures, and a even huge fence around the Celtic Manor grounds. 

At the time, Mr Simon Gibson was Director at the Celtic Manor. He called the summit unforgettable.

As part of Barack Obama's time in Newport, he visited Mount Pleasant school in Rogerstone, much to the delight of pupils and the community.

People headed to Mount Pleasant Primary School in Rogerstone from as early as 6am after it was announced the president would join Prime Minister David Cameron in a visit to the school.

Many former students came back to watch the president’s arrival ten years ago, which they said was a very “emotional” experience.

Bystanders stood on garden walls to get a view of the long convoy of cars and vans, with President Obama waving from a black car with tinted windows.

Here are some archive photographs of that historic occasion.