Two councillors are showing some cross-party unity as they plan to make a big splash together for a good cause.

Council leader Dimitri Batrouni and Councillor Matthew Evans, the opposition leader on Newport City Council will both be getting soaked by the bucket feature at Tredegar Park's new Splash 'Port later this month.

Their plunge will be raising funds for charities supported by the Mayor of Newport, Councillor Ray Mogford.

(Image: Newport City Council)

The Mayor’s Charity Appeal's beneficiaries this year will be Sparkle, a children's centre, and the voluntary Severn Area Rescue Association (SARA).

Councillor Batrouni said: "These are two great, local charities that do such much good work in different ways.

"If you want to see two politicians getting a drenching, then pledge your support by sending a donation to one or both of the charities."

Councillor Evans added: "We may be from different political parties but we are united in wanting to support the Mayor’s charities and the opening of the new water play zone presented a great opportunity for an unusual fundraising opportunity."

Both councillors have extended a plea to their constituents, urging them to donate to the Mayor’s charities for 2024.

Details of when and where are yet to be revealed.