There are three adorable new arrivals to a zoo farm.

Noah's Ark Zoo Farm in North Somerset has welcomed a trio of capybaras, the world's largest rodents.

The three males made their way from Jimmy’s Farm & Wildlife Park and have been settling into their new home since August 28.

The capybaras, known for their sociable nature and love of water, have been quick to make themselves at home and are already proving popular with visitors and staff.

Emma Ogborne, the zoo's west section leader, said: "We're all very excited to welcome this new trio of capybaras.

"They arrived last Wednesday and are settling in really well so far.

"They are staying together in their little group, and slowly starting to explore, which is great to see.

"We've already spotted them swimming too.

"If you come to the zoo over the next few weeks, come by and try to spot them to say hello."

The capybaras, who are native to South America, are semi-aquatic creatures and excellent swimmers.

They have webbed feet that help them navigate both land and water with ease.

Their diet consists mainly of grasses and aquatic plants, and they are known for their calm and gentle demeanour.

The three capybaras are malesThe three capybaras are males (Image: Noah's Ark Zoo Farm)

Ms Ogborne added: "We’re asking for help to name one of the capybaras on our social media, so if anyone has any suggestions, we’re all ears."

The zoo is encouraging visitors to go and see the capybaras and learn more about their behaviours and lifestyle.

The new arrivals are already making a splash, quite literally, as they explore their surroundings and get to know their new friends.

Their arrival has added to the excitement at the zoo, and they are expected to be a big hit with visitors.

The zoo is a conservation charity and is home to a wide range of animals, including elephants, lions, and giraffes.