A local councillor has raised concerns over the antisocial behaviour of school children from St Julians High School.

“Four or five girls from St Julians High School, probably ages 14/15, were marauding along Caerleon Road, causing trouble in shops and unsettling passersby,” said St Julian’s councillor Carmel Townsend.

“But quite the most offensive thing about their behaviour, was the fact that they were ripping pages from the small bibles they had been given, and throwing them around the shops.

“One of them also emptied a full drinks bottle on the floor of the newsagents.”

“This needs addressing by the school and a timely word in the ear of their parents, to remind them of their duties.”

A spokesperson for St Julians High School said: “The school cannot be held responsible for incidents that occur outside school hours and are away from the school site.

“Poor behaviour is unacceptable and it's important if this is witnessed that residents call 101 and ask that police attend.”