A DRUG dealer was caught with £1,520 cash in his North Face jacket when the police raided his home.

Corrie Morgan, 27, had not long been released from prison on licence for trafficking cocaine during the coronavirus outbreak before he was “at it again”.

The defendant was caught this time after detectives seized a phone which linked him to the drugs trade.

A police financial investigator found the majority of the £14,159 in payments going through Morgan’s bank account over a five-month period were “drug-related”.

Charles Archer, prosecuting, told Newport Crown Court that the defendant enjoyed “significant financial advantage” from crime.

Morgan, of Ysguborwen, Tredegar pleaded guilty to being concerned in the supply of cocaine.

The offence was committed between last New Year’s Eve and May 29.

Jeffrey Jones representing Morgan said: “There is strength and stability in his relationship with his female partner.

“And they aren't expecting their first child next year but clearly he will not be at liberty then.

“So that does pain him and that's personal mitigation I ask your honour to take into account.”

Mr Jones added: “The defendant is a user of cocaine and when he was at the police station, he was tested and in my conference with him and his instructing solicitor, who was present on that day, he confirmed that he tested positive for lass A cocaine.

“So when you hear and read the crown’s response via the CPS and police that there is no evidence that he was an addict, I would invite the court to have some caution and to reject that.”

The judge, Recorder Ben Clarke, told Morgan: “You have learned little from the time you spent in prison.”

He added: “You were concerned in the supply of cocaine, a class A drug notorious for the damage it can cause to communities.”

The defendant was jailed for 40 months.

This sentence will be served concurrently with his previous term which he had been recalled to serve for being in breach of his licence conditions.

The £1,520 seized will be given to Gwent Police to aid them in their fight against drug dealers.