Almost half of Welsh jobseekers believe it's not what you know but who you know when it comes to finding a job.

A survey conducted by career and resume experts, Jobseeker, revealed that 47 per cent of Welsh respondents feel industry connections are worth more than skills and experience.

This is higher than the rest of the UK, where 43 per cent of respondents believe that skills and experience are more important.

In Cardiff, this belief is even stronger, with half of the jobseekers prioritising connections over skills.

This raises the question of whether those without strong networks feel restricted in their career choices.

The survey also revealed that approximately two in ten Welsh jobseekers consider both connections and skills to be equally important.

David Overmars from Jobseeker said: "While the UK job market is keenly competitive, skills and experience often shine through but it's getting your foot in the door and showcasing your abilities that can prove most challenging to jobseekers.

"Particularly in a competitive job market, a combination of skills and networking are essential."

The survey also highlighted a generational divide in opinions.

Nationwide, young people aged 16-24 are the most likely to say 'who you know' is more important for securing a job compared to any other generation (4 in 10).

Their response could be reflective of the challenges young people face when entering the job market, alongside a commonly held belief industry connections help ‘get your foot in the door’.

In comparison, just a quarter of respondents across the UK from the eldest generation surveyed say ‘who you know’ is more important than ‘what you know’.

Mr Overmars added: "Both factors can work in tandem as we advise people pursuing a new role to feel confident in their skills while also acknowledging that having contacts can be beneficial."