Delays in accessing social care for older people in Wales are decreasing, according to Age Cymru's third annual report.

The report, titled 'Why Are We Still Waiting?', found that initiatives by councils to cut waiting times are beginning to yield results, and the surge in demand for care post-pandemic has reduced.

However, the report also reveals that nearly one in four older people are still waiting more than 30 days for a social care assessment, with the longest wait being 639 days.

One in six are waiting more than 30 days for a social care package to be implemented.

The report highlights that the challenge for councils in Wales remains high due to increasingly complex needs of older people.

As the population ages, service providers will have to continuously adapt their services.

The report also found that communication from councils with older people and their families needs to improve.

There were instances where people were not given the right information when they first approached social care, meaning they didn’t get the appropriate help when they needed it.

The research also uncovered poor communication between hospital and social care staff, resulting in some older people remaining in hospital longer than necessary.

This added undue stress to an already difficult time for older people and their families.

Age Cymru policy officer and report author, Helen Twidle, said: "Local authorities need to focus on those individuals who are waiting more than 30 days to have a care package in place as a person’s mental and physical health can deteriorate rapidly while they wait for support.

"There also needs to be a focus on how information is communicated to older people and their families, especially around the complexities of charging."

Minister for Social Care, Dawn Bowden, said: "I am pleased that waiting times for older people needing social care in Wales have fallen over the last 12 months, however we are aware there is much more to do."

For more information and to view the full report, people can call 0300 303 44 98 Monday to Friday between 9am and 4pm, email, or visit the Age Cymru website.