The Western Gateway partnership will return to the UK's largest investment conference in 2025.

The partnership announced it will have a dedicated pavilion at the UK Real Estate, Infrastructure, and Investment Forum (UKREiiF).

This will be the fourth time the partnership has attended the conference.

The Western Gateway Pavilion will bring together councils and businesses from South Wales and Western England.

It aims to highlight the region as the fastest growing area outside London.

UKREiiF, the nation's largest investment conference, attracted 13,000 representatives last year from government, local authorities, construction businesses, and investors.

The 2025 event is expected to be even larger, with new floating stages added.

Sarah Williams-Gardener, chairperson of the Western Gateway, said: "As the fastest growing area outside of London, the Western Gateway is the place to invest.

"By bringing together business and local authorities from across South Wales and Western England, we are able to make sure our area can be recognised alongside the North and the Midlands for the major contributions we want to make to the UK economy.

"We have incredible opportunities here that we are ready to shout about and I am so happy to announce our return to UKREiiF next year with an even bigger and better presence than before."

The partnership's presence at UKREiiF will follow the Convention for the Western Gateway, presented by SSE Energy, at the ICC Wales, Newport, on October 17, 2024.

This convention will showcase the area's ambitions and how it plans to use new data suggesting it could be the fastest-growing economic area outside of London.

The Western Gateway is a key pan-regional partnership in the UK, stretching from St David's to Swindon.

It unites councils, businesses, and academia to drive economic growth and investment.

The area is home to leading engineering firms, innovative start-ups, and renowned universities.

With Europe's most developed cyber cluster and 14-15 of the world's largest aerospace manufacturers, the Western Gateway is keen to attract the investment needed to create new opportunities and boost the UK economy.

The Western Gateway pavilion at UKREiiF will provide information on how to invest in the region.