Monmouthshire County Council has received the following planning applications:


Farmhouse extension

Flutteryby Ltd, of Malham Road, Forst Hill, London, has applied for listed building consent to extend, improve and remodel the existing farmhouse and associated buildings at Cwm Farm, Penrhos road, Llangattock Lingoed. The application is to provide two dwellings with ancillary accommodation, with parking and garden areas.


Proposed new homes

Emma Berglund, of Wern Gifford, Pandy, Abergavenny, has applied for outline planning permission for two four-bedroom detached houses on land beside 11 Wern Gifford, Pandy. A previous application in 2021 for the site did not complete due to issues around phosphates in the area. Welsh Water has agreed to some development, according to the application.


Tree work

Tim Hancock, of Herbert Close, Abergavenny, has applied to carry out work on a single birch tree in a conservation area. The application is for a 25 per cent crown reduction to a single birch tree at the front of 1 Herbert Close.

Tree preservation order

Nick Smart, of Cherry Tree Cottages, Kemeys Road, Llanfair Kilgeddin, has applied to fell a dead ash tree with the tree preservation order in the back garden of his property.


Double garage plan

Mr and Mrs Haslam, of Datchet, have applied to build a double garage and storage with an occupied attic space and extension of the residential curtilage at a barn conversion at Oak Barn, Hendre Grange, Llanover.


Cutting down trees

Mair Morris, of Old Market Street, Usk, has applied to fell holly trees at her property, which is within a conservation area.


Two storey extension

D Mould, of Manor Farm, St Brides Netherwent, has applied to build a two storey extension at Rear Barn, Manor Farm, to create a larger kitchen/dining room on the groundfloor with a home office over it.


Nine flats on High Street

Dunsmore Estates Ltd, of Rugby. Has applied for change of use of the first floor of the former Original Factory Shop, High Street, Chepstow, to nine residential units plus a bike and bin store at the back.


Farm shop plan

An application has been lodged by Sarah Stone of Church Farm, Newchurch, near Devauden, for a certificate of existing lawful use for the farm shop at the site opened during Covid for the benefit of the community. Mrs Stone’s application states the shop is stocked with homemade products which can be enjoyed in an adjoining marquee as part of the farm shop extension.


Extension application

B Paul, of Duchess Close, Monmouth, has applied to build a side extension at his property under the fast track householder scheme.


Tree safety work

Paul Doyle, of St Lawrence Park, Chepstow, has applied to carry out work on a number of trees at his property which are covered by tree preservation orders. The work is to remove branches which are overhanging overhead cables on Mounton Road, and to rebalance the trees on the house side.