A DRUG dealer was caught with 70 per cent purity cocaine when the police stopped his car.

Sammy Leggett, 26, was found with 16g of the class A drug after he was pulled over in Newport.

Aliyah Hussain, prosecuting, told the city’s crown court: “Following the defendant's arrest on the July 18, 2021, the attending officers immediately noticed evidence of cannabis use, namely Rizla papers and remnants of cannabis in the vehicle.

“Roadside procedures were carried out during which the defendant himself reached into the front of his trousers and removed a carrier bag containing a quantity of clear snap bags of white powder.

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“It was confirmed that one bag contained around 1g of cocaine and the other was approximately 15g.

“The defendant was then arrested for possession with intent to supply.

“His vehicle was searched and a quantity of mixed notes were found and a mobile phone was also recovered.”

She added: “After being taken into custody, the vehicle was searched again and items located were a set of scales and a quantity of unused snap bags.

“The defendant was interviewed and he stated that the money found in his vehicle was from his Universal Credit, but he answered no comment to all other questions.

“The prosecution's case is that the phone download reveals messages clearly linking the defendant to the supply of class A drugs, and that's why the second charge was laid.”

Leggett, formerly of Newport, but now living in Brecon, pleaded guilty to possession with intent to supply cocaine.

He also admitted being concerned in the supply of cocaine.

His only previous conviction was for three driving offences dating back to December 2021.

The defendant, who represented himself, told the court he was receiving help over his drug misuse.

Judge Daniel Williams said the three-year delay in bringing the case to court was not Leggett’s fault.

Because of that delay he told him he could suspend his prison sentence.

Leggett was jailed for two years, suspended for 18 months.

The defendant was made the subject of a nine-month drug rehabilitation requirement, ordered to carry out 120 hours of unpaid work and complete a 10-day rehabilitation activity requirement.

He will have to pay a £156 victim surcharge.

The judge ordered the forfeiture and destruction of the drugs and mobile phone.