A woman from Chepstow had a tree collapse on top of her car as she was driving along the A466.

“All I saw was this really massive tree and this car being crushed underneath it” said Gwent Police Officer Christian when called to the scene.

The driver, who had only recently passed her test, remarkably escaped the crushed car uninjured, though she was ‘very shaken.’

Christian explains he thought to himself “how did she mange to get out of their in one piece?” expressing it was “nothing short of a miracle.”

The victim’s friend said that the person driving behind her could see the tree start falling down before it hit the car.

According to witness reports, the tree fell in a “lucky place” where the left door of the vehicle could still be opened, allowing for the driver to escape uninjured.

If it was not for the work of a local farmer, the main road would have been closed for hours.

After hearing about the incident, a farmer came to the rescue by using his digger to remove the fallen tree from the road before breakdown services came and recovered the car.

“I thought we were going to be there all night,” said Christian after the local farmer had come to the rescue.