A Blackwood student won a silver medal as part of the Team UK team at the 47th WorldSkills Competition.

The event, held in Lyon, also saw the team win a Best in Nation accolade.

Ruben Duggan from Manmoel, Blackwood, won silver in plumbing and heating.

He said: “It’s the ultimate finish to a fantastic journey, from my little college in the valleys to winning a silver medal in the world finals. Nothing compares to this.”

The 31-strong Team UK faced tough competition from more than 1,500 participants across 69 countries.

Selected, mentored and trained by WorldSkills UK, and supported by Inspiring Skills Excellence in Wales, the youngsters were recognised as among the most skilled in the world by global industry experts following the event, often referred to as the ‘skills Olympics’.  

The UK has been taking part in the WorldSkills Competition since 1953 and the event is used by governments around the world, economists and global business leaders as a litmus test of skills pedigree and economic growth potential.

Wales skills minister Jack Sargeant said: "Being part of Team UK isn't just about national pride—it's about equipping our young people with the skills that will shape the future of our nation. The expertise they develop today will fuel tomorrow's economy, innovation, and society.

“We are incredibly proud of the six Welsh competitors who represented Wales as part of Team UK. Their success is a reflection not only of their own dedication but also that of the invaluable support from the team of experts who mentored and guided them along the way.

“Competitions like these should be celebrated with the same enthusiasm as high-profile athletic events, as they raise standards, inspire excellence, and showcase the talent that will drive Wales and the UK forward as global leaders."

Ben Blackledge, chief executive, WorldSkills UK said: “This is a fantastic result for the team and the UK as a whole. 

"High quality skills development is crucial to growing the economy, and Team UK’s medal-winning performance in front of a global audience sends a strong message that the UK is a world-class place to invest, develop talent and create jobs.”

The next WorldSkills Competition will take place in 2026 in Shanghai, China