Parents watching their children’s football and rugby training are unhappy to have received parking fines at the free parking area of Caerleon.

Many families park their cars at the fosse in Caerleon to drop their kids off or to watch them play football and rugby.

“I had a parking ticket one Sunday for parking in a coach space while my son played rugby,” said a mother.

“There were no coaches or buses around. Had any come along I would have moved, however not one came down the road.

“It is crazy to think they are ticketing people in the evenings and on Sundays when the spaces aren't in use.

On the fosse there are several parking bays dedicated to coaches. This is likely for ease at school drop off and pick up times.

They are not exclusively used by school buses, however. Caerleon is a popular tourist destination, thanks to its rich roman history, and so school trips and tour buses often use these dedicated coach parking bays throughout the week and weekends.

However, residents of Caerleon and parents of children who play sports in the playing fields at the fosse are confused as to why a parking enforcement officer would be coming around at 6.30pm to fine them, or on Sundays.

Many have accused the council of making a ‘targeted visit’ to the parking area.

“It is disgusting that the council made a targeted visit with at least three parking enforcement officers ticketing cars belonging to families,” said a resident walking their dog at the time.

“Sports coaches were there giving their time, for free, to serve the community and they get fined?

“Tuesday evenings are a joy to see so many enjoying sports. All cars were parked responsibly and not bothering anyone. I counted at least 30 tickets, shame on you.”

The parking enforcement officer was pictured by this dog walker parked in a ‘residents only’ parking spot, at 6.30pm that same evening. “Surely if that car is illegally parked, the enforcement officer would not be allowed to issue tickets, because he’s committing the first offence,” said Paul Chard.

Parking and the issue of traffic is becoming a talking point for many people living in Caerleon, with more houses being built creating an increase in cars on the roads.

There is the concern amongst residents that the old fashioned, roman infrastructure will not be able to handle it for much longer.

Newport City Council has been approached for comment.